Thursday, January 17, 2013

Breaking the rules!

 Ok, I know I have only been quilting now since 2010. I have read many how to books about quilting, joined ( which I LOVE!). However I never knew that I could go completely against everything that I have read and put together blocks that did not include the " everyday" pieces. Squares, half squares, drunkards path, triangles. I don't have to limit my creatives with these shapes. It has been a complete Ahhhhaa moment for me. I have spent the better part of the day looking a picture of some really amazing quilts.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get out to the studio much this past week. My algebra homework has been kicking my behind,  I had a slight family emergency ( everything is fine now) and on top of it all, my back and body pain has come back with a vengeance. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to spend some quality time out in my sanctuary and see if I can work on fixing the vibration problem I am having with Rose.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Melanie. I know what you mean. One of these days, we will both have the time ( and money) to sit down and catch up.
    P.S. It is I that am blessed to have spent time with you.
